Few souls to steal.. while selling some..cause mine I gave away too cheap..Try answer the same question ..Why, same tears dancing me to sleep? Forgive my heart before I die..and take this love with u to keep ,,Just kiss me slowly as I cry..my way into lonely sleep. With few more words to say goodbye..and one regret enough to weep ..just one last tear running deep…And realize my eyes went dry ...This lonely soul goes sound asleep..
luni, 26 decembrie 2011
luni, 12 septembrie 2011
While poisoned feelings cross my mind…another night just ran in vain…its time to shut myself inside…think what is right for me …to find...same ghosts to haunt my troubled brain!…same taste of coffee to remind ..im half asleep and halfway blind..three quarters crazy and one sane ! and tho i cry ..for one last try to win a heart…I would explain ..im halfway there to say goodbye … half of this soul just drown in pain..
sâmbătă, 10 septembrie 2011
The deal
I try to heal .. but theres no time .. while out of rhyme .. tonight I feel…
The devil desperate for a deal …a soul to sell.. for one to steal!
Just one more crime to add and seal ..forever seal ur heart to mine!
That devil smiles …``Enjoy that meal! Kneel at my shrine
The devil desperate for a deal …a soul to sell.. for one to steal!
Just one more crime to add and seal ..forever seal ur heart to mine!
That devil smiles …``Enjoy that meal! Kneel at my shrine
Of lust and steel! Let love reveal !Come here, .. sign !``
And as I trill , in my last will …few moments of ur soul for mine,
Blood dripping from the contract line , the cold chill running up my spine..
I pray its real .. and cant decline ! .. for love I cheer a glass of wine..
And hear him `` Dear, u just forgot to ask me for long time!``
And as I trill , in my last will …few moments of ur soul for mine,
Blood dripping from the contract line , the cold chill running up my spine..
I pray its real .. and cant decline ! .. for love I cheer a glass of wine..
And hear him `` Dear, u just forgot to ask me for long time!``
miercuri, 24 august 2011
same game..
While other woman smiles ur name..
And holds you tight...i play the same..
Old game of hearts and diamonds .. since i might
Lose a few years..win a night..
Just cause im slight , insane , i fight ,
And blame some gods that lost their flame..
Pray so the devils come polite ,
And claim my soul without a fight..
This life just fades to black and white.
vineri, 19 august 2011
If only i just had some time ..
A few more years ..i wont cry..
Id trade my soul before i die,
And gain ur love in broken rhyme..
Id sell forever ..for a lie...
And hurt just now..or maybe stay
A little while ..till charms apply,
Just kiss u softly for goodbye..
And think of u a night.. or day..
Until ur coffin goes away..
While covered in regrets ..all mine..
Ill call on devils to repay
My crime ..and pray on God to meet halfway,
Its time to go..and die..cause i`m
Too empty to survive today..
joi, 18 august 2011
Doliu alb de var..
Din groapa rece , alba...nu multi aud un gand:
Prin vant , dansand pe umbre ..in taina se aduna
Din soapta-n soapta prin mormant ..un mormait flamand:
Ies berze negre din pamant,.. se-aude-un zvon de ciuma!
Pe apa calda de pe lac.. ard flacari greu...departe
Curent apatic..ganduri tac..si se-oglindeste luna ,
Te iau de mana si m-afund dansand pe trupuri moarte,
In doliu alb..si-n cantec trist.. se-afuma morti intruna!
Spre clipa neagra , cum ma-ndrept.. regrete se-nfiripa
Si ciocli ne valseaza trist dar canta-n cor iubirea...
Doar saruntandu-te visez .. ca mai traiesti o clipa
Si-un gand trecut se-aude iar..zambeste nemurirea!
miercuri, 10 august 2011
Just partially incomplete
Id rather live in lust.. than fear .
Just when the end will come ..admit:
That in my search ..for true love cheer,
Ive lost another life ... or year..
The puzzle woman cries defeat...
This soul feels stuck in rotten meat
While needles twist inside my trust,
My blood to venom bit by bit
By choosing love .. ill die too fast....
And austere future..past ,
Still hunt me down to swallow it :
The poison waiting on frontier..
Submit my life and drink it clear
My soulless puzzle incomplete..
Id rather live in lust.. than fear .
Just when the end will come ..admit:
That in my search ..for true love cheer,
Ive lost another life ... or year..
The puzzle woman cries defeat...
This soul feels stuck in rotten meat
While needles twist inside my trust,
My blood to venom bit by bit
By choosing love .. ill die too fast....
And austere future..past ,
Still hunt me down to swallow it :
The poison waiting on frontier..
Submit my life and drink it clear
My soulless puzzle incomplete..
sâmbătă, 19 martie 2011
If only sorrows last for ages..
And greater feelings change my goal..
I play my rhymes on open stages
With no one listening at all..
Just bow each sentence to the end
Since it was written with no role,
So many stages to attend,
But way too few to lose control..
Cant act at all in this condition..
My dole ambition leaves a hole ,
Where love is begging for ignition..
I just abolished from my soul..
left the building
Just fuck you life..as i pretend
To dream and cry...forget to smile..
And id be thank full till the end
If only love would last a while..
A little longer ..i intend
Keep heart beating in same style
I kept it loving..dear friend ,
Ill end this cause..just not worthwhile..
duminică, 13 martie 2011
Almost dead
Last sale for this old life i curse and treat..
While scraping deals and dripping poisoned wine ,
While scraping deals and dripping poisoned wine ,
Malign true evil waits my soul to get
With promises that u will love me at a time..
Im crazy.. too intoxicated and upset..
To hear the devils sing.. in perfect rhyme
Not dead enough.. not ready to forget..
But see theyr master laughing in decline.
Just lie to me!..dont wake me up!.. not yet!
And let my dream be real..like ur mine..
Id die thousand times with one regret,
Until my soul will stop and draw the line,
And ill forget u also..press reset.
Stare at the glass and lie myself im fine
Comparing its divine true emptiness with mine..
sâmbătă, 5 martie 2011
go on.
How can i live this life so vile..
Reality i just defile
When every second i move on ,
Id rather stay inlove and con
Myself , just like a blindfold on ,
Just like a trickster i once knew..
And every spark that i once had
Is either either buried or just dead..
But live and well inside my head..
As crazy people often do
I dream in style ..i rest, and shred
All doubts of real life ..just beg
For one more word..or dialing tone
And one last dream ..to keep it on..
Afraid , filled with regrets and shame
I cherish you ..and cry alone..
Delusional that if ur gone
And if ur dead..ill die the same..
marți, 1 martie 2011
I wonder why.. im dreaming on ,
Why i keep waiting on the phone..
And how much .. from ur heart ..ive won
Or lost ..cause im afraid to dial..
Just breaking down...i laugh alone
On jokes ..that u once told me while
I used to love u in denial ,
Played by ur sweet and hostile con..
Yet since ur gone.. i dream in style ,
It still goes on .. and feed upon
This lie that i inflict myself..worthwhile..
These words that just convict my soul to trial
And tho between us grows a mile ,
Another one where thousands grown ..
I close my eyes , just to postpone
Myself to cry , once more ..hold on..
Until i can forget ur smile..
duminică, 27 februarie 2011
I`ve lost those feelings that felt ours..
But yet i cry myself insane..
Just keep one thought i dream for hours ,
In which i smile with u again..
Yet in ur arms , i felt like heaven..
And tears drain in vain from sight,
I`ve lied with dreams .. since i keep seven
One for each day and for each night.
I`ll die before i leave this sorrow
On bed of flowers id still grieve,
Just lie to me .. that cupids arrow...
Hit us once more..and id believe..
marți, 15 februarie 2011
Keep wondering what would have been
If i allowed myself to play..
U asked me more then twice to stay..
Some time ago..too long ...but tho
Some lies were true enough to win,
Will i have trusted u to show
Me how to steal ur love.. and sin..
Get drunk in lust , feel it begin..
And let ur tongue.. in passion .. flow
Its shiver pin my thoughts and grow
Its shiver pin my thoughts and grow
On every inch of naked skin,
And every cell i hold within..
Too long ago.. and all in vain..
Wile drain all lines around this brain
I rest a wile and cry..or scream..
Just cherishing ..the only dream
That makes me smile with u again..
Id give myself.. for one last deal,
One chance to sell my soul ..and feel
Some words ..u told me once id steal..
And some .. i just imagined real...
duminică, 13 februarie 2011
Iubit absent ,ma-ngrop si eu cu tine..
Sa-mi spui povesti si soapte prea marunte,
Caci corpul meu se duce sa te-ajute..
Si-o putrezita mana catre mine
Se-ntinde descompusa ma cuprinde..
Ma mangaie pe frunte si ma tine..
Ma mangaie pe frunte si ma tine..
Intr-un hazard avid imi plang destine,
Acide sarutari,soapte carunte,
Iubite mort.. cu limba adormita,
Saruta-ma si spune-mi ca ti-e bine..
Iubeste-mi trupul gol de nopti pierdute,
Minute nesfarsite , fara minte,
Si canta-mi moartea ta nefericta
Sa-nchid cavoul in dureri tacute..
Ma pierd in vocea-ti rece , ma invita
Sa-mi sece amintiri mult prea putine..
Iar eu zambesc usor in umbre mute.
Si-o parazita inima , lovita ,
Se zbate in zadar sa te sarute..
Si-n ritmul ei morbid..iti apartine..
joi, 3 februarie 2011
I do not dare to say hello
With no more words to say about,
Watching ur picture , u should know..
My heart breaks down when u log out...
The time runs slow.. and i smile tho..
There`r no more jokes to go throughout..
You broke my heart , just like a pro,
Although it hurts..without a doubt,
I`m acting out.. some time ago
I would have smiled ..but now i shout
In pain.. that just wont let me go..
I take this heart and hand it out..
For u to throw..just cut it out...
Just so i know what u`r about....
Just though my thoughts , i stop and smile
That i once loved.. and felt ur kiss..
You felt the same, at least a wile..
In ur own style , a bit of this
Remain locked up inside a file
I sometimes read ..just when i miss
Ur touch..but i`m too scared to dial
Ur long lost number i dismiss..
Old memories ignite my bliss,
The miles apart just grow and vile
Is our song..i`m old at this..
Too old to love ..just smile a wile..
And cry a bit i`ve lost that kiss..
miercuri, 2 februarie 2011
Build simple lines, wile they decay,
I read some rhymes , just cry some prose,
And through the tears of today..
Still hopelessly believe love goes..
I play my thoughts and pray this stain
Wont stay so much , inside , in such
Amusement i applaud its pain..
Just happy , cause i felt its touch..
Just happy , i once smiled away..
And danced my way , dream with a slight
Wish that i laugh again ,one day..
Wile u stay in my thoughts tonight..
sâmbătă, 29 ianuarie 2011
A few left..
This main affliction cries in vain,
Leave thoughts complain in contradiction ,
And through the laughs of my addiction..
Same kisses hunt this troubled brain...
Theyr flame goes blunt in its prediction
I walk that path and drag that chain,
With no white flag, this reign of pain
Will never slain me in conviction.
Refuse to be humane in fact...
And will not beg you for some light,
Wont cry this soul for your delight,
And will not change my ways to act..
Just drain my spirit in remission..
Attract same same poisons that just might
Contain ambition..and ur quite..
The lovers empty dreams magician..
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vineri, 28 ianuarie 2011
I keep on dreaming, sometimes shine,
U havent banned me of ur sight..
And feel a thorn..u come online,
Just dream ur fine , smiling tonight,
After u dine , relax , just might
Rest over on a glass of wine..,
No longer sad and with no fight
To carry on.... No longer mine.....
I lie myself ill be all right,
With no more urges to decline
And no more words for u in line,
Just cry my soul , alone , despite..
My heart still bleeds..u go offline ,
Im left with feelings i resign..
Im left with feelings i resign..
joi, 27 ianuarie 2011
Just bow contempt and wave the lovers..
And one more nail i dig ...in fright,
I light last cig and leave theyr sight.
On wooden bed with silky covers..
A smile forgotten there for hours..
Im sick to fight and chase this bite,
Remove this soul from sale ! hold tight,
The ground is full with fallen flowers...
The ground is full with fallen flowers...
Just sing my way ..and with a slight
Move to the right in screams that might
Make one awake and walk despite,
No eyes will open. Im all right !..
Just write my thoughts , and rest polite ,
As colors turn to black and white
And hear theyr sorrows through the night..
Or rather through the lack of light..
luni, 17 ianuarie 2011
lost in-love..
The lovers laugh and take theyr chance..
Playing theyr cards , moving the same..
Keep thinking i should leave this dance,
That ive already lost this game..
The dices drop and shots inflame
My thoughts of lust and fragile trance,
Enhance my blame into the same
Old romance , dieing in advance.
By stolen kisses with no chance
Of happening again.. a flame..
That`s all it was..a game ..a glance
Wile other women smile ur name..
Playing theyr cards , moving the same..
Keep thinking i should leave this dance,
That ive already lost this game..
The dices drop and shots inflame
My thoughts of lust and fragile trance,
Enhance my blame into the same
Old romance , dieing in advance.
By stolen kisses with no chance
Of happening again.. a flame..
That`s all it was..a game ..a glance
Wile other women smile ur name..
joi, 13 ianuarie 2011
Just push me in and then press play
And lonely thoughts will just ignite ,
I pray my songs and wish ull stay ,
And lay a wile , a week , a day ,
The white long fangs betray my bite.
I smile and turn , delay this right
Recite my way into the night ,
When lights turn gray , the walls turn clay ,
And colors spray in black and white..
In fright and rhymes i write ur way..
Excite urself into my prey..
I feed polite , indite ur stay ,
And kiss ur soul as u decay..
Just hold u tight..tonight .. till day..
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